PODCAST. ADHD Creativity and Connection with Dr. Holly White, Ph.D.
Dr. Holly White and Dave explore how ADHD minds thrive in creative environments, overcoming design fixation and generating unique ideas by thinking beyond conventional constraints. Dr. White emphasizes the importance of collaboration, balancing brainstorming with execution, and overcoming imposter syndrome. They discuss hyperfocus as both a strength and challenge, and the role of AI in structuring ideas without stifling originality. The takeaway: ADHD is neither a limitation nor a superpower—it’s a powerful asset when properly understood and supported.

- addiction
- adhd coaching
- ADHD movie
- adhd symptoms
- animation
- anxiety
- art
- author
- awkwardness
- careers
- children
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- cognitive diversity
- college
- communication
- community
- coping strategies
- creativity
- cultures
- death
- decisions
- diagnosis
- dopamine
- DSM5
- education
- emotional intelligence
- employment
- entrepreneurship
- executive coaching
- executive function
- extroversion
- fear
- fitness
- focus
- food
- gamification
- gender
- goals
- humor
- hyperactivity
- hyperfocus
- Ikigai
- imposter syndrome
- improv
- loneliness
- masking
- medication
- meditation
- mindfulness
- misdiagnosis
- misinformation
- music
- nasa
- overwhelm
- parenting
- personality
- pomodoro
- positive intelligence
- positive psychology
- productivity
- radical gratitude
- rejection sensitivity dysphoria
- relationships
- retirement
- self acceptance
- self employment
- shame
- stimming
- storytelling
- strengths
- support animals
- teaching
- technology
- The ADHD Song
- tiktok
- time blindness
- time management
- vulnerability
- women